mandag 21. mars 2011

This is gospel and it`s in english!!

Just another update from me. This time in english! At least I will give it a try and see how it goes. Has been a long time since I practiced my english (writing..), so hopefully it won`t be to many spelling mistakes!;)

Well, since my last update here I went to this magnificent & incredible gospel concert in Stavanger, Imi kjerka, on Saturday. It was well spent money, even if it was rather expensive though. Before the concert we went to the Harbour Cafe, for a meal. Lovely food & great company! So thanks to the girls; Marta, Eli and my sister RS.

The concert was filled with musical contributions from all over the world; Sweden, South Africa and off course a lot of dark skinned & talented artists from the USA. Every time I go to a concert with blacks involved I get amazed by their impressive voices, but also off their happiness on stage! Unfortunately here in Scandinavia, it is very common for us Christians to just hang our heads down and look sadly serious when we sing about the joy in Jesus. What an irony! What we really should do, is to look to the black gospel community in the US and get some inspiration!! For that`s what it`s all about my friend!!

Off course, being a Christian isn`t just a walk in the park, but the alternative is worse, and consists in the end of just emptiness and misery. But if we want to reach out to the rest of the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the only thing that gives life meaning and hope to man, we really have to change our appearance. A good place to start is to give the audience at a gospel concert, a night to remember;)!

Let them see that being a Christian doesn`t mean that your life is over and that every glimpse of happiness is gone. Oh no my friend, it is still OK to give the world your smile and share your joy. So do as the colored does; enjoy the music, dance & let the world know!

As for me and my progress..well it`s better than it was a week ago. Tired of just staying at home watching telly and sitting here. Today my landlord is redecorating his house, so I`ve heard the beating of his hammer all day. I want to go for a walk, but I know I woun`t get far before the dizziness catches up with me again..Crap..:p

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